Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Get auto insurance online in Brazil-Caixa Insurance.

Get auto insurance online in Brazil-Caixa Insurance.

The following is a translation of sections of the website, owned by the company Caixa Insurance, in Brazil, promoting its services and seeking clients to get auto insurance online. For the sake of those who are new to this series of blogs, an introduction to the purpose of these series of blogs is given in small print below. If you are a returning visitor, you can skip the small print below and jump to the main article.

Introduction-The American way of life in Brazil
Other than the world's fascination with Brazilian soccer players, Brazil is assumed to by most people to be an underdeveloped 3rd world country. In truth Brazil is South America's largest economy, having advanced industries, and is now considered an emerging economy rivaling China, India and Russia. Not only that, the Brazilian lifestyle has been, unbeknown to most people, a typical western, if not American, in flavor, as we will see.
Brazilians love watching imported television shows and movies translated to their official language, Brazilian Portuguese. Imported television shows have had a significant influence on Brazilian culture. The influence of American TV in Brazil has resulted in Brazilians participating in culture that is considered predominantly American. For example, Brazilian children now participate in Haloween on the same day it is held in the USA. Brazilians also love their Internet. For example, Orkut, a social networking website initially targeting the American audience, now derives over 70% of its traffic from Brazil. All major search engines and social networking groups, including Google, Yahoo, MSN, Youtube, Myspace and Facebook have a presence in Brazil. Instead of using dot com, a sites in Brazil often use a dot com dot br configuration, for example Often, instead of using www as a prefix, sites in Brazil will use br, for example, rather than
In these series of blogs, we will try to bring out the Americanisms of life in Brazil. We will translate articles touching the everyday lives of Brazilians and see the similarities to their American counterparts and the common problems they share: buying a car, buying a house, choosing a good school, getting loans for education(get student loan), having to get a bank student loan consolidation, buying life insurance(get cheap life assurance quote online, just like Americans), get auto insurance online, dealing with remortgage problems such as shopping for good rates, getting loans to refinance the home(refinance a home equity loan), difficulties in acknowledging mesothelioma(Brazil is one of the world's largest producers of absestos, and acknowledging that a miner is a potential mesothelioma patient is opposed actively by many trade unions), etc. In short, these series of blogs will try to bring out the American way of life in Brazil that that is not documented well by the main stream media.

The purpose of this article is to show the similarities in methods used to attract clients to get auto insurance online in Brazil and North America. There is a distinct similarity in the services and compensation offered. It is translated from and clicking on the auto insurance (seguro auto) link.
The Portuguese text is printed in blue, and the English translation of a phrase appears directly below.

A CAIXA SEGUROS sabe a importância de preservar o seu patrimônio. Por isso, oferece um seguro de automóveis com amplo pacote de coberturas, além de muitas facilidades e vantagens.
CAIXA INSURANCE knows the importance of maintaining your possessions. Therefore we offer an insurance package for vehicles with ample coverage, apart from having several options and advantages.

Você que é cliente CAIXA já pode fazer sua cotação e contratar seu SEGURO AUTO ONLINE!
If you are already a client of CAIXA you can now get auto insurance price quotes and buy CAR INSURANCE online!
É simples e rápido! Para você fazer a cotação do seu seguro, você conversa online, por meio de um chat, com nossos consultores.
It's simple and quick! For you to get get auto insurance price quotes, you converse online, through a chat, with our consultants.

O cliente do SEGURO AUTO da CAIXA tem muitas vantagens:
A client of CAIXA having car insurance gets a lot of value (for his/her money)
- Pagamento em até 10 vezes;
- Payment of up to 10 times;
- Indenização em até 7 dias;
-Compensation within 10 days;
- Carro reserva gratuito;
-Vehicle reservered for free;
- A garantia de uma empresa do grupo CAIXA;
-A guarantee from the CAIXA group of companies.
- Descontos e serviços gratuitos em nossa rede de parceiros;
-Discounts and free services within our network of partners;
- E muito mais.
-And much more.

Assistência Dia & Noite
Assistance Day and Night
Imagine que você está atrasado para um compromisso e, no caminho, passa por um buraco e o pneu fura. O que fazer? É simples. Basta ligar para a CAIXA SEGUROS.
Imagine that you are late for an appointment and, on the way, drive over a pothole and your tire gets a puncture. What would you do? It's simple. You only need to call CAIXA INSURANCE.

Com um telefonema o auxílio chega rapidamente. A qualquer hora do dia ou da noite.
With a simple telephone call help arrives quickly. At any hour of the day or night.

Cliente CAIXA SEGUROS tem muitas vantagens, como cobertura básica gratuita para objetos devidamente transportados pelo veículo segurado e cobertura opcional para despesas extraordinárias.
CAIXA INSURANCE clients have a lot of advantages, like basic free coverage for items obligated to be carried by the vehicle and optional coverage for extra expenses.

Informe aqui seus dados que nós entraremos em contato nos próximos dias ou na época do vencimento do seu seguro de automóvel.
Furnish us your details here and we will get in touch with you within the next few days or in the period leading to your renewall of your current car insurance.

(End of translation)
You can contact me at,.

Potentially useful services
Health & Nutrition Health Insurance
Buy/Sell property in Brazil Certify yourself to teach English in Brazil
Web/Internet services & Computer Software

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