Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Insurance For Dogs In Brazil

Insurance for dogs in Brazil.
The following is a translation of sections of the website, that explains the importance of the various types of insurance, in this case, for dogs. This is an excellent example of an Americanized lifestyle in Brazil. For the sake of those who are new to this series of blogs, an introduction to the purpose of these series of blogs is given in small print below. If you are a returning visitor, you can skip the small print below and jump to the main article.

Introduction-The American way of life in Brazil
Other than the world's fascination with Brazilian soccer players, Brazil is assumed to by most people to be an underdeveloped 3rd world country. In truth Brazil is South America's largest economy, having advanced industries, and is now considered an emerging economy rivaling China, India and Russia. Not only that, the Brazilian lifestyle has been, unbeknown to most people, a typical western, if not American, in flavor, as we will see.
Brazilians love watching imported television shows and movies translated to their official language, Brazilian Portuguese. Imported television shows have had a significant influence on Brazilian culture. The influence of American TV in Brazil has resulted in Brazilians participating in culture that is considered predominantly American. For example, Brazilian children now participate in Haloween on the same day it is held in the USA. Brazilians also love their Internet. For example, Orkut, a social networking website initially targeting the American audience, now derives over 70% of its traffic from Brazil. All major search engines and social networking groups, including Google, Yahoo, MSN, Youtube, Myspace and Facebook have a presence in Brazil. Instead of using dot com, sites in Brazil often use a dot com dot br configuration, for example Often, instead of using www as a prefix, sites in Brazil will use br, for example, rather than
In these series of blogs, we will try to bring out the Americanisms of life in Brazil. We will translate articles touching the everyday lives of Brazilians and see the similarities to their American counterparts and the common problems they share: buying a car, buying a house, choosing a good school, getting loans for education(get student loan), having to get a bank student loan consolidation, buying life insurance(get cheap life assurance quote online, just like Americans), get auto insurance online, dealing with remortgage problems such as shopping for good rates, getting loans to refinance the home(refinance a home equity loan), difficulties in acknowledging mesothelioma(Brazil is one of the world's largest producers of absestos, and acknowledging that a miner is a potential mesothelioma patient is opposed actively by many trade unions), etc. In short, these series of blogs will try to bring out the American way of life in Brazil that that is not documented well by the main stream media.

The purpose of this article is to show the similarities in lifestyles of Brazilians and their American counterparts. It is an excellent example of how many Brazilians come to adapt American culture. The author, before promoting insurance for dogs in Brazil, points out that it is already an established and still quickly expanding service in the USA and the UK. This is possibly to calm a presumably apprehensive Brazilian. The author goes on to point out that other than being considered members of the family, dogs are living even longer because of medical advances. The author promotes the idea that insurance for dogs covers a significant cost of vetinary visits that require the use of modern vetinary techniques to keep animals alive longer.
The Portuguese text is printed in blue, and the English translation of a phrase appears directly below.

Seguro para Cães
Insurance for Dogs
Seguro para cães é uma das categorias de plano de seguro que cresce mais rápido em locais como o Reino Unido e os EUA.
Insurance for dogs is one of the categories of insurance plans that is growing more rapidly in places such as the United Kingdom and the USA.

Cães são geralmente estimados como membros da família, por muitas pessoas.
Dogs are generally considered as members of the family by many people.

Além disso, tratamento veterinário está se tornando mais avançado e desenvolvido.
Apart from that, vetinary treatment is becoming more advanced and developed.

Devido a essa razão, animais de estimação (especialmente cães) estão vivendo mais tempo do que no passado, o que traz a possibilidade de algumas doenças que são demoradas e caras para serem tratadas.
For this reason, pets, (especially dogs) are living longer than in the past, that brings the possibility of some diseases that have a delayed onset and that are expensive to treat.

Por isso que o seguro para cães é hoje em dia algo essencial para aqueles que querem viver uma vida mais longa e proveitosa ao lado de seus animais.
Therefore insurance for dogs is nowadays something essential for those that want to spend a much longer and enjoyable lifetime side by side with their animals.

Evidentemente, ao se adicionar um novo pequeno membro à família, a última coisa que você vai querer pensar é sobre seguro para cães, já que você não espera que algo de ruim aconteça.
Evidently, on adding a new small member to the family, the last thing that you'll want to think about is about insurance for dogs, since you don't expect anything bad to happen.

Entretanto, seguro para cães é na verdade uma garantia de que se algo ocorrer, seu bichinho vai estar protegido e irá receber tratamento rápido e adequado de um veterinário certificado.
However, insurance for dogs in in fact a guarantee that if something happens, your dearly loved animal will be protected and is going to receive rapid and adequate treatment from a certified vetinary.

Afinal, se você realmente considera seu bichinho como sendo um membro da família, pensa o quanto seria trágico se você tivesse que colocar seu cão pra dormir simplesmente porque você não tem dinheiro o suficiente para bancas as despesas de tratamento veterinário.
After all, if you really consider you dearly loved pet as being part of the family, think how tragic it would be simply to put your pet to sleep simply because you don't have enough enough money to finance the expenses for treatment by the vetinary.

Entretanto, não temos nem que imaginar uma situação tão trágica. E se seu cão quebrasse uma pata?
However, we don't even have to imagine a situation so tragic. And what about if your dog severely injures its paw?

Pense em como seria fácil receber tratamento médico adequado com o auxílio de um plano de seguro veterinário.
Think how easy it would be to receive adequate vetinary treatment with the help of a vetinary insurance plan.

Além disso, apólices de seguro para cães podem na verdade ser uma economia de até 80% dos custos com veterinário para seu animal.
Besides that, insurance policies for dogs can in fact result in savings of up to 80% of the vetinary costs for your animal.

Planos de seguro para cães são comumente comprados mensalmente ou anualmente.
Insurance plans for dogs are normally bought monthly or annually.

é importante procurar por um plano de seguro para cães que cubra todos os procedimentos de rotina, já que eles são as despesas médicas mais comuns geradas por um animal de estimação.
It is important to choose an insurance plan for dogs that covers all the routine procedures, since they are the vetinary expenses most commonly occurring in pet care.

Check-ups periódicos, tratamento dentário, e especialmente vacinas, castrações e esterilizações são tópicos essenciais para uma boa apólice.
Periodic checkups, dental treatment and especially vaccines, castrations and sterilizations are essential areas of coverage in a good policy.

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