Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Wal-Mart In Brazil

Wal-Mart In Brazil

Yes, you're reading right. Wal-Mart does have a presence in Brazil. In this article, taken from the April 1st 2009 edition of Economia, at the site, we see some of Wal-Mart's expansion plans in Brazil.

For the sake of those who are new to this series of blogs, an introduction to the purpose of these series of blogs is given in small print below. If you are a returning visitor, you can skip the small print below and jump to the main article.

Introduction-The American way of life in Brazil
Other than the world's fascination with Brazilian soccer players, Brazil is assumed to by most people to be an underdeveloped 3rd world country. In truth Brazil is South America's largest economy, having advanced industries, and is now considered an emerging economy rivaling China, India and Russia. Not only that, the Brazilian lifestyle has been, unbeknown to most people, a typical western, if not American, in flavor, as we will see.

Brazilians love watching imported television shows and movies translated to their official language, Brazilian Portuguese. Imported television shows have had a significant influence on Brazilian culture. The influence of American TV in Brazil has resulted in Brazilians participating in culture that is considered predominantly American. For example, Brazilian children now participate in Haloween on the same day it is held in the USA. Brazilians also love their Internet. For example, Orkut, a social networking website initially targeting the American audience, now derives over 70% of its traffic from Brazil. All major search engines and social networking groups, including Google, Yahoo, MSN, Youtube, Myspace and Facebook have a presence in Brazil. Instead of using dot com, a sites in Brazil often use a dot com dot br configuration, for example Often, instead of using www as a prefix, sites in Brazil will use br, for example, rather than

In these series of blogs, we will try to bring out the Americanisms of life in Brazil. We will translate articles touching the everyday lives of Brazilians and see the similarities to their American counterparts and the common problems they share: buying a car, buying a house, choosing a good school, getting loans for education(get student loan), having to get a bank student loan consolidation, buying life insurance(get cheap life assurance quote online, just like Americans), get auto insurance online, dealing with remortgage problems such as shopping for good rates, getting loans to refinance the home(refinance a home equity loan), difficulties in acknowledging mesothelioma(Brazil is one of the world's largest producers of absestos, and acknowledging that a miner is a potential mesothelioma patient is opposed actively by many trade unions), etc. In short, these series of blogs will try to bring out the American way of life in Brazil that that is not documented well by the main stream media.

The Portuguese text is printed in blue, and the English translation of a phrase appears directly below.

Varejo: Wal-Mart investirá R$ 1,6 bilhão no país
Retail: Wal-Mart will invest R$ 1.6 billion in the country

A crise financeira internacional não afetou, pelo menos até agora, o setor varejista. É o que garante o presidente do Wal-Mart Brasil, Hector Nuñes. "Este ano investiremos R$ 1,6 bilhão no país, sendo R$ 450 milhões no Nordeste. Os investimentos no Brasil independem da crise global. Nossa estada no Brasil é de longo prazo", afirma Nuñes. Segundo ele, a empresa manterá o planejamento feito em agosto de 2008, antes do estouro da crise mundial.
The international financial crisis has not affected, at least until now, the retail sector. It is what the president of Wal-Mart in Brazil, Hector Nuñes, is saying. "This year we will invest R$ 1.6 billion in the country, of which 450 million will be invested in the North East. The investment in Brazil is independent of the global crisis. Our presence in Brazil is long term," Nuñes declared. According to him, the company will stick to the plans in made in August 2008, before the onset of the world crisis.

"A crise não chegou ao nosso setor e também não chegou ao Brasil. O que existe é um período de turbulência e incertezas, mas, comparando com outros países, o Brasil está muito melhor e ainda vai crescer este ano. Me mostre um país emergente ou não que vai crescer este ano?", questionou o presidente do grupo no país.
"The crisis did not affect our sector, nor did it hit Brazil. What there is is a period of turbulence and uncertainty, but, compared to other countries, Brazil's retail sector is much better off and will even grow this year. "

Para ele, o crescimento do PIB esperado para 2009, entre 1,5% e 2%, já aconteceu em outras épocas e o país não estava em crise. "Trabalhamos com um modelo de preços baixos, que favorece a atuação em tempos de turbulência", diz.
For him, the growth of the GDP expected for 2009, between 1.5% and 2% has already happened in the past and the country is not in crisis. "We will work with the model of low prices, that propulsion of business in times of turbulence favors."

Segundo Hector Nuñes, o Wal-Martfaturou US$ 400 bilhões nos Estados Unidos em 2008, 6% a mais que no ano anterior, enquanto no Brasil o crescimento foi de 13,1%, para um faturamento de R$ 17 bilhões. A rede opera com as marcas Bompreço, Hiper Bompreço, Sam's Club, Todo Dia e Maxxi e planeja abrir 90 novas lojas este ano, 30 delas na região nordestina.
According to Hector Nuñes, Wal-Mart raked in U$ 400 billion in the United States in 2008, 6% more that the year before, while in Brazil the growth was 13.1%, for a turnover of R$17 billion. The chain operates under the brand names Bompreço, Hiper Bompreço, Sam's Club, Tod Dia and Maxxi, and plans to open 90 new stores this year, 30 of them in the North East region.

Uma destas deve ser instalada na Região Metropolitana do Recife (RMR), nos próximos três meses, com a bandeira Todo Dia, ou Maxxi, seguindo o modelo já implantado em Rio Doce, Olinda, de Centro da Comunidade (local onde são disponibilizados serviços de emissão de documentos, lan house, clínica médica, banco popular, entre outros).
One of these is likely to be put up in the Metropolitan Region of Recife(RMR) in the next three months, with the brand of either Todo Dia or Maxxi, as per the business model of Centre of the Community, already implemented in Rio Doce, Olinda ( a place where services such as obtaining documents, Internet Cafés, Medical clinics, popular banks, along with other services are offered.)

"Não podemos ainda falar sobre o local da nova loja, por questões de autorizações. O que podemos adiantar é que serão mais dois Centros da Comunidade, um no Recife e outro em Salvador", explica o superintendente Regional Rafael Vasquez.
"We cannot say anything about the location of the new store, for the reason of requiring authorization. What we can offer to say is that there will be two more Centers of the Community, one in Recife and the other in Salvador," explained the regional supritendent Rafael Vasquez.

Desde que adquiriu o Bompreço, há cinco anos, a rede incorporou algumas práticas adotadas na região. Entre elas, a adoção de uma marca popular, com preços mais baixos, inspirada no antigo Balaio - transformado em TodoDia, e que agora deve ser expandida para outros estados. O Wal-Mart também está levando o programa de fidelidade Bomclube para o Sul e o Sudeste. No Nordeste, o programa tem dois milhões de sócios e no Sul, já são 300 mil. No Brasil, a rede Wal-Mart tem 345 lojas e emprega 75 mil pessoas, em 18 estados. Na região Nordeste são 138 lojas (42 em Pernambuco) e 25 mil funcionários.
Since it acquired Bompreço five years ago, the chain has incorporated some of the practices adopted in the region. Among them is the adoption of a popular brand, with significantly lower prices, manifested in the previous Balaio - now renamed TodoDia, and that now are likely to be implemented in other states. Wal-Mart is also taking the Bomclube loyalty program to the South and the South East. In the North East, the program has two million members and in the south there are already 300 thousand. In Brazil, the Wal-Mart chain has 345 stores and employs 75 thousand people, in 18 states,. In the North East Region, there are 138 stores(42 in Pernambuco) and 25 thousand employees.

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